Collection: Finding your Compass
“Travels and encounters are the starting point and source of my inspiration. They allow me to experience moments of inner silence and share connections that transcend language and cultural barriers.“
“This series is the result of the decision in search for a different way of life. Guided by my personal credo 'Bring color into your life' I left for the warmer south with my old car, cameras, laptop and minimal luggage to give my intuition free rein.
Change is exhilarating: it's about embracing the unknown, and stepping into the uncharted territory.
'Finding your Compass' is a recent journey that required love, patience and courage to break new ground. It serves as a testament to the power of exploration and self-discovery, using dance as a metaphor for being on the road. It exceeds words, makes deep connections and requires improvisation.” The focus on freedom and compassion give me strength a new approach to both life and art.“